Sunday, July 26, 2009

Famous Irishman - Danielle O'Connell

This week's famous Irishman is Danielle O'Connell.

Danielle O'Connell
(6 August 1775 – 15 May 1847)
known as The Liberator, or The Emancipator, was an Irish political leader in the first half of the nineteenth century. He campaigned for Catholic Emancipation - the right for Catholics to sit in the Westminster Parliament, denied for over 100 years - and Repeal of the Union between Ireland and Great Britain.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Famous Irishman - Edmund Rice

This week's famous Irishman is Edmund Rice.

Edmund Rice
(1 June 1762 – 29 August 1844)
was a Roman Catholic missionary and educationalist. Edmund was the founder of two orders of religious brothers: the Congregation of Christian Brothers and the Presentation Brothers.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Request for Prayers

We need a few prayers, please.

Kevin Donohue is undergoing surgery this morning to remove a blood clot from his back, which is apparently the cause of the tremendous back pain that has kept him home bound for the last few weeks.

Also, my sister is in surgery at this moment to have a "mass" removed from her lung. They won't determine whether it is cancerous or not until it is biopsied after the surgery, but this is never good. As a former smoker, I ask all you smokers out there to please take note. It really hits home when this happens to someone you love.

Please keep these two in your prayers this morning as you go about your day.

Thank you.

Jim Green, vice president, Allegheny County AOH


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Famous Irishman - Alfred Harmsworth

This week's famous Irishman is Alfred Harmsworth.

Alfred Harmsworth, Lord Northcliffe
(15 July 1865 – 14 August 1922)
rose from childhood poverty to become a powerful British newspaper and publishing magnate, famed for buying stolid, unprofitable newspapers and transforming them to make them lively and entertaining for the mass market. During his lifetime, he exercised vast influence over British popular opinion.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Guaranteed Irish to Do Cruise


Guaranteed Irish will once again participate in a Caribbean Cruise with Seamus Kennedy and various other Irish music groups in January, 2010. If you are interested in learning more about the cruise, check out the flier below and/or visit the link:

-- Jimmy Lamb


Sailing aboard Carnival Freedom

Departing from
Ft. Lauderdale
Ports of Call:
Grand Cayman,
Ocho Rios,
& Key West

Jan. 24-30, 2010
From $839* per person
*Category 4B cabin. Taxes & gratuity additional.

Enjoy our Ireland at Sea exclusive functions which include:
Evening concerts with your favorite Irish entertainers
one-hour open bar cocktail party
Traditional music workshops
Irish dance lessons/Ceili workshop
Impromptu music session
Penny Whistle & Bodhran lessons
Whiskey Tasting
Pub Quizzes
Hospitality desk
and more.

For more details dial 1-800-237-9376, extension 10


Sunday, July 05, 2009

Famous Irishman - Brian Boru

This week's famous Irishman is Brian Boru.

Brian Boru
(941–23 April 1014)
was an Irish king who ended the centuries-long domination of the Kingship of Ireland by the Uí Néill. Building on the achievements of his father, Cennétig mac Lorcain, and brother, Mathgamain, Brian first made himself King of Munster, then subjugated Leinster, making himself ruler of the south of Ireland.


Friday, July 03, 2009

Braddock Food Bank Date Changed

A note from AOH brother Terry Callahan regarding the Food Bank in Braddock:


Could you all pass along the following message to you AOH lists. The Braddock PA “Produce to People” event that usually occurs on the first Saturday of the month has been pushed back to July 11 due to the holiday.

I realize that most of the regulars are already aware, but I wanted to make sure that we broadcast the following message to as many AOH folks as possible to avoid anyone showing up in Braddock tomorrow (July 4).

The Hunger Project volunteers will be needed NEXT SATURDAY, JULY 11, at 8:30 a.m. as usual.

Thanks again for your continued support and have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

See you July 11.

-- Terry Callahan


Fr. Tom O'Donnell Named National AOH Chaplain

Brothers, The following note is from AOH National President Seamus Boyle:


As of July 1, 2009, we have a new national chaplain.

Father Thomas M. O'Donnell will be our national chaplain effective immediately.

About five weeks ago, Father Patrick Sullivan informed me that he had been asked to serve as the the executive secretary of the Labor Guild and chaplain for the Archdiocese of Boston. He will be stationed in Weymouth MA but will be housed at Stonehill.

Father Sullivan and I had a very close relationship for the past number of years, and I am sad to see him leave as our chaplain, but as he explained to me, besides these duties he will also have to train a younger priest to eventually take over his job as the years progress.

Knowing him as I do, and and most of you know already that he is a person who will not do a job he cannot dedicate his time and talent to full time. Father Sullivan said he could not dedicate the time needed to perform the position of national chaplain, and he would have to resign.

He is not going too far and will be around the conventions and meetings when he can. Father did a great job as chaplain. He will be missed sorely. Thank you,Father.

Father Sullivan is very familiar with Father Tom O'Donnell and was delighted when Father Tom accepted the appointment. Father Tom is presently the Allegheny County and the Pennsylvania state chaplain and is very familiar with the AOH and has been a member for many years.

He is an expert on Canon Law and is a judge on the Marriage Tribunal. I am delighted to have Father Tom on board. He will have his first job attending the meeting in Albany next week with the LAOH. I ask that you all give him your total support. He will be available to each of you at any time. During the next year you will see a lot of Father Tom as he is a hands-on kind of priest and travels around the country so you will not be surprised when you see him.

His email address will be on our list from now on. I will give you all his phone contacts as well.
412-456-3000 x 3720 Office
412-281-2116 Rectory
Email address

Seamus Boyle, National President
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, Inc


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