Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update on Anti-Irish-American Clothes at Spencer's Gifts

Spencer Gifts is owned by ACON Investments, 1133 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. They bought Spencer Gifts, Inc. in 2007. We encourage you to let ACON Investments also know how you feel about Spencer Gifts and the products sold there. You can call them at 202-454-1100 or FAX them at 202-454-1101.

You can send an email to Bernard Aronson, a founding partner of ACON Investments, at baronson@acondc.com

To: Bernard Aronson
From: Ed Blank

Mr. Aronson,

As a person of Irish background, I am offended and angered by several articles of clothing being sold by Spencer's Gifts.

I'm referring to wearing apparel containing anti-Irish jokes and slogans of a nature you would not dare display in your stores or market if applied in a comparable way to people of other ethnic backgrounds - Jews and blacks included.

You are harming other Irish-Americans by your actions.

I would like to have your assurance that Spencer's will remove from its stores immediately all items reflecting negative Irish stereotypes as well as any other items containing language and images in any way damaging to the proud heritage of the Irish.

Very truly,

Edward L. Blank
117 Highridge Circle
Pittsburgh PA 15234



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