Sunday, October 14, 2007

AOH 32 Officer Roles

Members interested in running for office and submitting their name on the November ballot should review the following roles and responsibilities. Terms are for two years.

The term of office is only 2 years.

  • Preside at all meetings.
  • Appoint committees for the good and welfare of the Order.
  • Plan meetings and activities.
  • Hold the Officers responsible for the activities entrusted to them.
  • Sign all official documents and papers of the Div.
  • Shall have the same powers and perform all the duties of the President in his absence.
  • Be responsible for promoting the Degree work of the Division.
  • Notify members of all meetings.
  • Keep accurate minutes of meetings.
  • Keep accurate membership roster.
  • Countersign all lawful orders of the Division.
  • Notify applicants of their election & members of their suspension.
  • Make detail reports on all facts of the Division to the State & National Boards.
  • Carry out all duties as directed by the bylaws and as directed by the Division he serves.
  • Keep accurate records of membership, showing date proposed, date initiated and dates members received their Major Degrees.
  • Collect all dues, fees, assessments and fines and keep an accurate record thereof.
  • Pay the Treasurer all money collected at the close of each meeting.
  • Keep attendance record of all meetings.
  • Make annual financial report.
  • Notify visiting committee of sick members.
  • Be the custodian of all funds, bonds, securities and instruments held in the name of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, and deposit same for safe keeping in a bank or savings institution.
  • Keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed.
  • Keep vouchers of all disbursements.
  • Present a financial report to the Division at all meetings.
  • Be in charge of the Grievance Committee that tries all charges filed in writing against another member.
  • Act as Chairman of the Arbitration Board to settle and adjust all disputes and grievances arising in the Division.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Division President.
  • Could act as membership chair. All new, reinstated or transfer memberships should be processed through this office.
  • Set up the meeting room for all Division meetings.
  • Assists the President in ascertaining that all members attending the meeting are members in good standing.
  • Assists the President during initiation of candidates and interrogates the candidates according to the ritual.
  • Escorts visiting dignitaries to a place of honor in the hall.
  • Assists the President in miscellaneous activities.
  • Acts as doorkeeper during meetings.
  • Ascertains that all members are in good standing as they seek entrance to the meeting.
  • Assists the Marshal during the Order of the Shamrock Degree.



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