Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Irish Song - Grace

Near the end of our "Halfway to St. Patrick's Day Picnic" at Scott Park (pictures forthcoming) last Saturday a few of our brothers took to song and thought that a nice new little Blog weekly feature should be, "Irish Song of the Week!"

Why, you ask? Because they could use a little help. Certainly they get gold stars for their effort, but many a man was off key and lacking in verse! Just kidding - what a fun day and night!

Seriously now. A few years, ago when I was in Ireland with my Mom and brother John, nearly every pub closed with the song "Grace." It's become one of my favorite Irish classics and one you should know. Last Saturday, our boys tried to sing it and their hearts were in spirit, but they missed a few verses.

I thought with all the good works the Year of Remembrance Committee is doing this year, this is the perfect song to kickoff this Blog feature.If you've never heard it sung before, here is a beautful version of Grace in a video by Jim McCann - you can tell by his voice he is no relation to our beloved Pat McCann. Note: when you get to the video - a nice feature is to click on the box to the lower right of it to expand your view to full screen.

Kilmainham Gaol (Jail) West Wing

And, here's the story (behind the song) - one of the most touching and poignant stories to emerge from the aftermath of the Easter Rising Rebellion of 1916.

When Grace Evelyn Gifford, the sister-in-law of Tómas McDonagh, chose Easter Sunday 1916 as the date on which she was to marry Joseph "Mary" Plunkett she had no idea of the tragic events that lay ahead of them.

Days before the planned wedding, Joseph Plunkett, who suffered his entire life with severe respiratory problems, was admitted to hospital & underwent an emergency operation. On Easter Monday 1916, the day after the postponed wedding, Plunkett manned his post in The General Post Office (GPO) in Dublin to take part in The Easter Rising.

After the surrender of the rebels Joseph was arrested & imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol. Just hours before his execution on May 4, 1916 by British firing squad, he married Grace Gifford in the small prison chapel, with two prison guards as witnesses.

Photo: Chapel in Kilmainham Gaol or Jail

Grace Gifford remained involved in the Republican Movement, especially with Sinn Fein, while earning a living as a commercial artist. She voted against the Anglo Irish Treaty & was herself imprisoned in Kilmainham Gaol for three months during the Civil War.

After the Civil War, Grace became a highly respected figure of Dublin's cultural society until her death on December 13, 1955.

Grace Evelyn Gifford was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery with full military honors.

Here are the verses to "Grace" - enjoy.

GRACE (O'Meara/O'Meara)


As we gather in the chapel here in old Kilmainham Gaol
I think about these last few weeks, oh will they say we failed
From our schooldays they have told us we must yearn for liberty
Yet all I want in this dark place is to have you here with me


Oh Grace just hold me in your arms & let this moment linger
They'll take me out at dawn & I will die
With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger
There won’t be time to share our love for we must say goodbye


Now I know it's hard for you my love to ever understand
The love I bear for these brave men, my love for Ireland
But when Pádraig called me to his side down in the G.P.O.
I had to leave my own sick bed, to him I had to go



Now as the dawn is breaking, my heart is breaking too
On this May morn as I walk out my thoughts will be of you
And I'll write some words upon the wall so everyone will know
I love you so much that I can see "his blood upon the rose"*


This phrase refers to the poem "I See His Blood Upon The Rose" which was written by Joseph Plunkett a few years before his execution – see below.)


I see His blood upon the rose

And in the stars the glory of His eyes
His body gleams amid eternal snows
His tears fall from the skies


I see His face in every flower
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but His voice - and carven by His power
Rocks are His written words


All pathways by His feet are worn
His strong heart stirs the ever beating sea
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn
His cross is every tree

Note: Future featured Irish songs will have shorter entries.


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